Project pisces
Project pisces

project pisces

For <4 consecutive missing days, imputations were performed using non-missing data to calculate the probability that missing days were crisis days. The average length of non-crisis intervals was considered to represent the time between crisis episodes. Non-crisis intervals were 2 or more consecutive days without a self-reported crisis (pain ≥ 5, utilization). To meet any definition, a crisis day (pain≥ 5, utilization) had to be reported for 2 or more consecutive days. Definitions of acute pain episodes compared here include self-reported crisis days, days with pain ≥ 5, and days with utilization of the ED or overnight hospitalization (other potential definitions not shown). Patients self-reported their worst sickle cell pain intensity on a scale from 0 (none) to 9 (unbearable), and independently self-reported whether they were having a crisis that day, whether they went for an unscheduled physician visit, an Emergency Department visit, or whether they were hospitalized for sickle cell pain. Methods: PiSCES Patients (N=81) who completed at least 5 out of the expected 6 months of daily diaries and did not have gaps in their daily diary of 4 days or more were included. Here we present three PiSCES-derived definitions of acute painful episodes, and we analyze the impact of various definitions on pain outcome results potentially useful for research. We served on a similar SCD consensus panel to propose a more expansive taxonomy of acute sickle cell pain or painful episodes, informed by the PiSCES dataset (manuscript under review).

Project pisces trial#

The Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trial Translations, Innovations, Opportunities, and Networks (AAPT) published a taxonomy of chronic SCD pain, defined as pain on most days of 6 months duration, along with at least one clinical sign, and no better explanation for the pain.

project pisces

The Pain in Sickle Cell Epidemiology Study (PiSCES) determined that three-fourths of self-defined crises days were not managed in urgent or hospital care. Thank you in advance for participating in this experiment.Background: For research purposes, painful crises in sickle cell disease (SCD) have either been self-defined by patients, or adjudicated by research experts, most often based on whether urgent care or hospital care was sought for pain related to SCD. If you choose to begin World War Minecraft with factions, that is your choice. If you choose to start a community or a village with other players, you can do that. From then on, you can do or build anything. The experiment will start by spreading the players randomly across the map. After the experiment is completed, the world will be put for download. We will need 20 players so the first 20 players to post their MC username in the comments will be whitelisted for the experiment. The experiment will last 4 hours starting on Jat 03:30 PM Mountain Time. There are no rules with the exception of staying within the world border (it's very large so don't worry). It will help us understand what players would do when given nothing but pure survival and each other. Welcome to Project Pisces. This experiment will deduce how players interact with each other and the environment.

Project pisces