Diy audioswitcher
Diy audioswitcher

diy audioswitcher

If you test lots of equipment you might want to put a set of l+r rca sockets on the front panel for one switch position. I put a couple of small weights in the case so it wouldn't slide around when changing cables. I also bought a knob extender and a 1/4" aluminum rod from the hardware store so the switch is as close as possible to the rca sockets, minimising the signal path. I used a chickenhead knob on the front for that retro feel, and so the selection can be easily identified by the position of the switch eliminating the need for writing on the front. I used old (professional) router cases which were the same width as audio components - one had plain front so resprayed with black, the other I made I created a new fasia out of angled aluminum. You can buy a 1U rack from electronics stores. Use quality audiophile-grade switches, RCA sockets and wire. Here are two guides (below), there isn't much to making these. I would appreciate any insight on this, thanks.

diy audioswitcher

I'd like to keep costs as low as possible and end up with at least 2-3 inputs to select between. I feel the only pre made option might be audiophile catered and quite expensive. I also thought of looking for a vintage selector from that time period instead, but most of them have an insane amount of inputs and an insane price to go along with it. I figure someone around here must have created something like this (I do recall seeing someone create a stereo-mono switch from scratch, which may be similar enough to adapt). Would it be the best bet to build one of these myself? I figure you'd need an enclosure and a bunch of rca mounting components and some kind of switch. I'm not an electronics expert in any way but I do know some of the essentials. I am trying to find something that fits the mid to late 70's aesthetic (veneer like wood cabinets and metal face plates). Anyhow, I just want something passive (no circuitry of any kind) which I assume it's possible as they are physical analog connections. Problem is, a lot of those switcher boxes are quite ugly and the ones that just do R+L rca seem less common than the ones with the video rca. Anyways I test various pieces of equipment frequently and its always a pain in the ass to get everything back when I'm done. I'm sure many remember this A/V switch boxes from back in the day that basically turned one rca a/v input into multiples. I have started to run out of inputs on my vintage yamaha amp.

Diy audioswitcher